Tuesday, June 29, 2010

First Post

So I'm starting this blog because I love reading people's blogs and I've always thought it would be fun to have a way to document the simple everyday things and the extraordinary things that happen in my life. That way I can look back and see how things have changed and the things I've accomplished. Plus it's a window for others to see into my life.

So I guess for my first post I will post a picture. I absolutely LOVE photography!! All I think about is photography (that is, when I am not chasing after David, or breaking up a sibling rivalry, or doing other mom duties, actually if it's chores, then I am still thinking about photography). :)
My current obsession is photographing flowers. So here's one of my recent favorites. It was taken outside my church and though I didn't think the plant itself was that pretty, I'm glad I took some pictures, because I love this shot.